Stay tuned for 3 announcements.

Here’s What’s Going On At Ammolite Coaching These Days

By Maria Koropecky, Writing Coach, Author & Crystal Mapper I’d like to share 3 happy announcements with you today! First: The Creative Writing Coaching group I’m leading is so amazing and I’d love to keep it up. I feel I’m finally doing the work I’ve been training for all my life and I love, love, …

Maria Koropecky Creative Writing Coach.

Would you like to be a better writer and put your spiritual ideas out there in the world?

Would you like to be a better writer and put your spiritual ideas out there in the world? Wonderful! Here’s your invitation to join me and other spiritual writers on a magical journey of discovery where we’ll dive deep into your imagination so you can make your writing dreams come true! Hello, I’m Maria Koropecky …

ammolite ring.

Why did I Name my Coaching Business Ammolite Wellness Coaching?

Why did I name my coaching business Ammolite Wellness Coaching? I particularly like how there are two m’s, two l’s and two s’s in Ammolite Wellness Coaching but there’s way more to it than that! Ammolite is an amazing geological wonder and is both a fossil and a gemstone at the same time! Ammolites are …