Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 Articles
Looking to create a successful social media strategy for 2023?

Looking to Create a Successful Social Media Strategy in 2023?

by Maria Koropecky, Writing Coach, Author & TV Host As I’m listening to people talk about their expertise each week, I often find myself saying: “that would make a good social media post.” I have plenty of interesting people in my networks who are very knowledgeable on some fascinating topics that if they could only …

Closer to Indigo by Maria Koropecky

Check out the new cover for Closer to Indigo

by Maria Koropecky, author   “It is simply not fair to be a late bloomer everywhere else in life and have a midlife crisis right on time” – that’s how I start my book description on the cover of my novel, Closer to Indigo. Check out my video to see my new book cover. Bonus …

Feeling like it's too late to live the life of your dreams?

It’s Not Too Late, #LateBloomer

by Maria Koropecky, Free Spirit Coach Do you think that by now things are set in stone and are impossible to change? Maybe you’ve reached an age when you think it’s too late for you to find love, make money, be successful, go on your big adventure or tell your stories because if it hasn’t …

Host a watch party & build your business.

Host a Watch Party and Build Your Business!

by Maria Koropecky, Host of Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People Would you like to add value for your current clients and bring in new ones as well? Great! Keep reading, I have an idea! In 2022, I produced a TV series called, “Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People” (which is premiering on TELUS Optik TV on …