Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 Articles
Are you open to having an Intuitive Crystal Card Reading?

Intuitive Crystal Card Readings are on Sale!

by Maria Koropecky, Creative Writing Coach, Author & Crystal Mapper Happy Friday the 13th! I was speaking to some of my coach-friends yesterday and much of our conversation was about spirituality and intuition. I realized that going behind the scenes into the realm of spirituality and intuition is the new frontier for humanity and many …

The Spiritual Practice of Creative Writing ~ How the Energy of Colors, Chakras & Crystals Can Help Light the Way group coaching program.

Join us for the next Spiritual Practice of Creative Writing ~ How the Energy of Colors, Chakras & Crystals Can Help Light the Way Group Coaching Program

by Maria Koropecky, Creative Writing Coach, Author & Crystal Mapper Writing is a spiritual journey and words have a magical connection to the Universe. Just like artists use vibrant colors to create works of art, writers use words to create new worlds. If words are your world and you’re dreaming of writing a book someday, …

This week's word of the week is courage.

Word of the Week: Courage

by Maria Koropecky, Creative Writing Coach, Author & Crystal Mapper Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, and your values become your destiny ~ Mahatma Gandhi As a wordsmith, writer, storyteller and creative writing coach, words are …