Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People TV series.

Watch Saanich: Emerging Land: Emerging People TV Series

I’m super happy to announce that I finished making my Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People TV series!

Oh my goodness! I’ve been on quite a creative journey in 2022!

I’ve been hiking, filming, directing, writing, producing, editing, creating and talking my way across the Southern-most tip of Vancouver Island and it has been a blast!

It was a dream come true for me to explore my own island and touch on the mystical and spiritual side of nature and turn my vision into a work of art.

When you watch the series, you’ll see examples of geological marvels, historic architecture and lots of wildlife and will get a sense of who I am and where I live.

You’ll also hear me read from my forthcoming novel, Closer to Indigo, which inspired these locations.

It’s been my joy to create this TV series and I hope you get a chance to watch it in order, from beginning to end!


Follow us in Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People, a Victoria region access project, and watch as nature lover and emerging author, Maria Koropecky, guides you to some hidden gems that she also features in her novel, Closer to Indigo. We’ll touch on the mystical and spiritual side of nature, see examples of geological marvels and historic architecture – and possibly even wildlife – and we’ll explore how local residents and the geography have shaped and influenced Vancouver Island today.

Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People trailer:

In Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People S1 Ep 01 “Good morning from McMorran Beach” watch as host Maria Koropecky takes you to the beach at sunrise.

In Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People S1 Ep 02 “It’s a perfect day to hike up a mountain” watch as host Maria Koropecky climbs to the top of Mt. Doug.

In Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People S1 Ep 03 “Meet the Mayor of Saanich” watch as host Maria Koropecky interviews the [former] Mayor of Saanich himself, Fred Haynes.

In Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People S1 Ep 04 “Explore Rithet’s Bog” watch as host Maria Koropecky walks through an ecological playground and meets all kinds of wildlife.

In Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People S1 Ep 05 “Leap of Faith” watch as host Maria Koropecky visits the ducks at Lohbrunner Pond, introduces Mr. Lohbrunner and discovers the art of dowsing.

In Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People S1 Ep 06 “Following the Path” watch as host Maria Koropecky walks through a labyrinth at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, a stone’s throw from the Victoria airport.

In Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People S1 Ep 07 “Gifts from the Sea” watch as host Maria Koropecky shares a beach in Sidney, BC and a beautiful sunny afternoon with a Heron.

In Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People S1 Ep 08 “Sunflowers & Dragonflies” watch as host Maria Koropecky gives her late father some sunflowers and shares a story about a dragonfly.

In Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People S1 Ep 09 “Happy Canada Day!” watch as host Maria Koropecky celebrates Canada Day at the Gorge Waterway and at the top of Mt. Tolmie.

If you are someone who is likes nature, geology, spirituality and travel, you’ll enjoy this G-rated program.


I’m so grateful for:

1. Going on my Camino in 2019 and writing my novel about that experience
2. My artist’s eye, photography skills and writing talents
3.. The time and space to be creative, use my authentic voice and express myself
4. All of the people I met along the way, who helped and encouraged me to keep going
5. My legs that have carried me up mountains and my heart that keeps beating
6. The grant money and support I received from TELUS Storyhive
7. My mother’s generosity
8. My Ukrainian heritage
9. My love of nature that started with belonging to Plast, a Ukrainian scouting organization
10. My GoPro, MacBook, cell phone and iMovie
11. The serendipitous moments and surprises that showed up on my path, as if something bigger than me was paying attention to what I was up to and nudging me along
12. A new appreciation and love for my authentic self


Would you like to benefit from what I’ve learned from my experience of writing, producing, directing and hosting my TV series?

Great! I have a brilliant new coaching program called, “The Sweet Spot of Authenticity” which is all about finding your voice, feeling your feelings, letting go of the past, fostering worthiness from within, and being more authentic, so you can be free to tell your own story and live and love as you like!

I’m happy to coach you and help you make progress on your own creative project (book, documentary or business) because I’m all about creative self-expression and elevating our voices!


Saanich essential oil blend.


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