Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 Articles
Joining for the next group coaching program starting Dec 5, 2022.

What I Learned From Watching Reality TV Shows!

by Maria Koropecky, Free Spirit Coach, Crystal Mapper, Author & TV Host Do you watch reality TV shows? What are your favourites? These days I’m watching MasterChef Australia. I’ve also watched Chopped, Ru Paul’s Drag Race and Glow Up (which is about Make-Up). Love ‘em or hate ‘em, I’m into anything that’s about creativity and …

Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People, now on AirBnB.

Now an AirBnB Experience!

by Maria Koropecky, Free Spirit Coach, Crystal Mapper, Author & TV Host Good news for everyone interested in watching my TV series, Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People, with me! I’m now an AirBnB Experience Host and I’m offering online watch parties for Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People to people all over the world starting this …

Would you like to work together?

Would you like to work together?

by Maria Koropecky, Free Spirit Coach Good news! After some formatting and uploading problems, the printed paperback version of my novel, Closer to Indigo, is now up on Amazon – yay! If you had told me at the beginning of this pandemic that I would be a published author and the host of a TV …