by Maria Koropecky, Storytelling Coach & Author of Closer to Indigo Fun fact: If you were born on February 29, 1968 and today is February 29, 2024, you’d technically be turning 15 years old, rather than 56 –> a difference of 41 years! A bit of a head scratcher, I know, but either way, Happy …
Journal Prompt
Frogs say, “Feel Your Feelings”
by Maria Koropecky, Storytelling Coach & Author of Closer to Indigo I remember one of the kids in my neighborhood singing, “Feelings, nothing more than orange peelings…” but there’s way more to them than that. I attended a Zoom workshop for coaches this week and we spoke a little about feeling our feelings. We were …
It’s an Abundance of Mushrooms!
by Maria Koropecky, Storytelling Coach Have you been seeing a lot of mushrooms this season? I like to go on wellness walks several times a week and last week, as I was walking through my neighbourhood, I kept on seeing mushrooms everywhere I looked! And not just one kind of mushroom – several different varieties …
8 Best Crystals to have Nearby While Journaling
by Maria Koropecky, Storytelling Coach & Crystal Mapper Are you ready take your journaling practice to the next level with the magic of crystals? As a crystal enthusiast and a passionate advocate for personal growth, I’m excited to share the 8 best crystals to have nearby while journaling. These gems will enhance your creative flow, …
How Storytelling Sparks Kindness & How Kindness Sparks Storytelling
by Maria Koropecky, Storytelling Coach Storytelling and kindness can travel across time and space, far into the future! In my most recent YouTube video, “How Storytelling Sparks Kindness & How Kindness Sparks Storytelling,” I explore the profound relationship between storytelling and kindness, with a touch of inspiration from the musical, “Come from Away.” Let me …
How to Use Storytelling to Heal Your Past and Create a Better Future
by Maria Koropecky, Storytelling Coach As humans, we all have stories to tell. Our stories can be joyful, inspiring and uplifting, but they can also be painful, traumatic and difficult to share. Either way, we need to find a way to tell our stories because by embracing the power of storytelling, we can learn to …
Journal Prompt: Write About a Piece of Clothing
by Maria Koropecky, Storytelling Coach If you’re looking for something to write about, here’s a journal prompt: write about a piece of clothing! The clothes we wear have their own stories and I’m sure you can go right back in time at the mere mention of your favorite shirt, hat, jacket or shoes from any …
Find “Music for Journalling on a Retreat” on my YouTube Channel @AmmoliteProductions
by Maria Koropecky, Storytelling Coach I like journaling. How about you? Are you writing much in your journal these days? If yes, wonderful! Keep it up! Journaling is up there with meditation when it comes to personal growth, spirituality and emotional healing. If not, and keeping a journal is something you’d like to do more …
What do these 12 people have in common?
by Maria Koropecky, Author & Writing Coach Leonardo da Vinci, Frida Kahlo, Marie Curie, Anne Frank, Mark Twain, Lewis Carroll, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Anaïs Nin, Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Aniston, and Lady Gaga – what do these 12 people have in common? They’ve all kept journals, diaries and/or sketchbooks! Are you in this club, too? …