by Maria Koropecky, Storytelling Coach
I like journaling. How about you? Are you writing much in your journal these days?
If yes, wonderful! Keep it up! Journaling is up there with meditation when it comes to personal growth, spirituality and emotional healing.
If not, and keeping a journal is something you’d like to do more of, what’s in the way? Do any of these excuses sound familiar?
1. Don’t have the time
2. Too tired and don’t have the energy
3. Don’t have the space to sit down and write
4. Too many distractions and interruptions
5. Too stressed and anxious to get my thoughts on paper
6. Somebody might read my private thoughts and judge me
7. Not a writer
8. Don’t know what to write about
9. Afraid of what I might find out about myself
10. Don’t have the right sized notebook to write in or a good pen
11. Handwriting is too messy to read
12. Hand hurts from writing after a while
13. Never wrote in a journal before so why start now?
14. What’s the point if it’s just for me?
I totally get it. On the one hand writing in a journal is an easy and enjoyable activity to do and on the other hand, it’s like going to the dentist.
But journaling has so many benefits and I’d hate for people to avoid journaling because of any of these excuses, so I thought about what might make journaling easier for everyone who wants to write more and I came up with an idea… I made a meditation music video to help with tuning out distractions!
It’s called “Music for Journalling on a Retreat” and it’s about 22 minutes and it’s free to listen to on my YouTube channel, @AmmoliteProductions. I listened to the ambient music this morning while I was journaling and it really helped me get in the writing zone! And I was on a roll, so I played through the video more than once!
I think my video helps with at least the first 5 excuses on the list and if you’d like help breaking through any other writing blocks, book a call with me today.
Happy journaling!
#journaling #coaching