Showing: 11 - 20 of 25 Articles
Join us for the Lighten Up Retreat in Sarasota Florida in November!

Join us for the Lighten Up Retreat in Sarasota Florida in November!

by Maria Koropecky, Storytelling Coach & Author of Closer to Indigo When I think of Florida, I think of sunshine, beaches, warm weather, palm trees, oranges, NASA, alligators and snow birds. I also think of the Golden Girls TV show which was set in Miami. I loved watching the Golden Girls because in essence, the …

Watch "The Power of Your Story: Manifesting a New Reality from the Inside Out."

The Power of Your Story: Manifesting a New Reality from the Inside Out

by Maria Koropecky, Storytelling Coach & Author As I’m growing my own YouTube channel @AmmoliteProductions, I’ve been studying other successful YouTubers and I’ve watched many videos on the art of manifesting with great relish during these last few months. I’ve discovered that manifesting is an inside job and everything we experience starts in our own …

Are you ready to rewrite your old story and turn it into a brighter future? "Healing Through Story: Transformational Coaching Package" or "Crafting Your Future Story: Manifestation Coaching Package"

Let’s Make June Your Month Of Incredible Personal Growth & Empowerment!

by Maria Koropecky, Storytelling Coach Are you ready to rewrite your old story and turn it into a brighter future? Have you ever felt stuck in a cycle of challenges, yearning for healing and something different? We all have moments when we crave a new chapter, a fresh start. But how do we break free …

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How to Use SELF-CARE to Write More

by Maria Koropecky, Storytelling Coach I’m happy to say that people are really enjoying my novel, Closer to Indigo and my TV series, Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People. I was very busy in 2022 and I could not have completed my creative projects without practicing self-care and doing things like: going for wellness walks, eating …

Which retreat would you prefer: wellness, writing or spirituality?

Which Retreat Would You Prefer?

by Maria Koropecky, Storytelling Coach, Author, Videographer, Crystal Mapper, Retreat Leader I’m wondering if you could help me out. I’m currently designing my next 4-day weekend retreat to be held here on supernatural Vancouver Island in April and I’d love to know your thoughts about what kind of retreat you, personally, would most like to …

Book your next retreat with Maria in Victoria, BC Canada.

Book Your Next Retreat with Maria in Victoria, BC, Canada!

by Maria Koropecky, Free Spirit Coach, Author, TV Host & Retreat Leader Have you ever heard the song, “Verdi Cries” written and sung by Natalie Merchant? It’s one of my favourite songs and every time I hear it, I picture a woman on a retreat. She eats pastries, takes long baths and goes to the …

May I suggest Closer to Indigo for your book club?

May I Suggest Closer to Indigo for your Book Club?

by Maria Koropecky, Free Spirit Coach, Author & TV Host My friend asked me to autograph her copy of my novel, Closer to Indigo during the holidays and I must say, I was unexpectedly moved by the experience. From the feedback I’ve received so far, people are really enjoying my book and like my writing …

Closer to Indigo by Maria Koropecky

Check out the new cover for Closer to Indigo

by Maria Koropecky, author   “It is simply not fair to be a late bloomer everywhere else in life and have a midlife crisis right on time” – that’s how I start my book description on the cover of my novel, Closer to Indigo. Check out my video to see my new book cover. Bonus …

Feeling like it's too late to live the life of your dreams?

It’s Not Too Late, #LateBloomer

by Maria Koropecky, Free Spirit Coach Do you think that by now things are set in stone and are impossible to change? Maybe you’ve reached an age when you think it’s too late for you to find love, make money, be successful, go on your big adventure or tell your stories because if it hasn’t …