by Maria Koropecky, Storytelling Coach & Author of Closer to Indigo
When I think of Florida, I think of sunshine, beaches, warm weather, palm trees, oranges, NASA, alligators and snow birds.
I also think of the Golden Girls TV show which was set in Miami. I loved watching the Golden Girls because in essence, the characters: Dorothy, Sophia, Blanche and Rose were all Spiritual Storytellers, always sharing their homespun wisdom in delightful stories, often while eating cheesecake, and Spiritual Storytellers are my people!
I’m writing about Florida and Spiritual Storytellers today because I’m super excited to announce that I’ve been collaborating with Patricia and Heidi from the Integrated Healing Arts Wellness Center in a Sarasota and together we will be hosting a Lighten Up Retreat at their location in Florida on the weekend of November 2-5, 2023 and here’s your invitation to join us!
Our Lighten Up Retreat is designed to help our guests heal their past and create a brighter future using the magic of storytelling.
It’s all about telling yourself a new story while embracing the power of self-care and embarking on a personal growth journey that encompasses your mind, body, and spirit. At the Lighten Up Retreat, we know that self-care matters, and our weekend is designed to help you discover the perfect harmony of relaxation, growth, self-expression, community and rejuvenation.
To help you have a transformative experience where you will nurture your mind, nourish your body, and ignite your spirit, we’ve included:
• A watch party for my Saanich: Emerging Land; Emerging People video series
• Workshops on self-care, journaling and plant medicine
• Evening beach walks
• Tasty, healthy and nourishing food
• and we also have healing practitioners on hand from the Integrated Healing Arts Wellness Center to help support you on your wellness journey!
I personally can’t wait and if the Lighten Up Retreat experience sounds like it’s your cup of tea, go ahead and reach out to me and we can talk more about it. We only have 10 spots, so the sooner you sign up, the better.
Come join us for the Lighten Up Retreat in Sarasota, Florida and enjoy some extra golden sunshine in November!
#WellnessJourney #SelfCareMatters #PersonalGrowthJourney #RetreatExperience #MindBodySpirit