by Maria Koropecky, Storytelling Coach & the Author of Closer to Indigo

Curious to know some behind-the-scenes stories about my novel, Closer to Indigo?

Well, here’s your chance!

My coach-friend,Georgina Halabi interviewed me about my book and it was so fun talking with her about my creative work.

We talked about the significance of the color indigo in the title, the inspiration that lead me to name my chapters, my writing process, 3 of my literary influences, and how life’s too short to sit around and play it safe all day.

During our interview, Georgina said, “I really enjoyed reading your book… I found it was very, very COMPELLING… It’s a very sensual book… when you say you’re a very auditory person, I could still in my mind’s ear, hear you with your headphones listening to some tunes as you’re out there running. Or as you’re setting the table, your attention to detail on all of the feast of foods… you’re very, very SENSUAL in terms of your description and it’s really very CAPTIVATING. You can see it in your mind’s eye, hear it in your mind’s ear – and feel it – so it’s very ‘TRANSPORTATIVE,’ if that’s a word.”

Music to my ears! Thank you Georgina for reading my book and for taking some time out of your day to interview me. It’s always a pleasure to talk with you!

You can find our whole conversation on YouTube: “Life’s Too Short to Play it Safe” | Author Interview | Closer to Indigo | hashtagLateBloomer

And please reach out to me if you’re looking for guests for your podcast! I really enjoy being interviewed and I’m available to share insights on writing, creativity and the transformative journey behind Closer to Indigo. Let’s have an engaging conversation as well!


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