by Maria Koropecky, Creative Writing Coach, Author & Crystal Mapper
Hello Writers and Storytellers,
Now that spring is springing, are you feeling extra creative these days?
During the past couple of years, I’ve been writing my novel, talking with people on Zoom, attending and giving workshops, producing my tv series, and coaching writers in my creative writing coaching business.
Along the way, I’ve met many amazing people from around the world and have personally learned volumes about the art of storytelling.
I feel I’ve finally found my voice and I’m excited about what I’m creating.
I also feel that encouraging budding writers to find their own voice, self-worth and rhythm is part of my life’s purpose and given the uncertainty that is hovering over the world currently, I’ve found that my resolve to encourage writers to use their voice and tell their stories is much, much stronger.
To me, uplifting and inspiring stories are what will keep us going. Stories build empathy and are bridges to the past and future.
How about you? Have recent world events lit a creative fire under you, too?
Would you like some coaching on how to get your pen moving and keyboard clicking?
With spring in the air, I’m offering an opportunity to budding writers who are:
- playing a bigger game
- ready to elevate their voice and
- committed to writing their story
to work with me in a private 1:1 coaching program called, The Spiritual Practice of Creative Writing ~ How the Energy of Colours, Chakras & Crystals Can Help Light the Way.
I feel this would be of value to any writer who feels they have a book inside them or have a message to share, but aren’t sure where to start, but are interested in writing and sharing their stories with their readers this year, NO MATTER WHAT.
In my experience, working with a coach will help you be miles ahead (or in our case, pages ahead) on where you’d be on your writer’s journey than if you tried to figure out everything by yourself or continued to leave things till “someday.”
Right now, I have around 5 spaces open and if you would like to apply, please send me an email to maria @ ammolite wellness coaching dot com sharing:
- What’s your vision for the impact of your book or stories?
- What’s the biggest challenge you are facing right now?
- Where are you currently on your writing journey?
- Where would you like to be on your writing journey?
- Why do you want to work with me?
I’m looking forward to hearing from you and feeling inspired by your message.
Carpe Diem, Maria